Art I
Grades 9-12 Credit: 1
This course is designed to fulfill the New York State Regents requirement for graduation. The emphasis is on the principles of art, developing the student’s knowledge of art and the historical function of art. In addition, the emphasis is also on developing the student’s ability to master skills and techniques through art materials. Projects for this course include: Continuous Line Contour Drawing of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle (enlargement and abstraction of a detail) showing highlights and shadows, Still Life Pencil Sketch (using the gray value scale), Album Cover Design (looking how art has influenced the cover designs through the history of the industry), Shattered Value Drawing (abstraction of the gray value scale), One Point Perspective in the style of Giorgio de Chirico, Medieval Illuminated Letter Designs, Cubist Painting (using items in the Art room as a source of inspiration). Handscape Surrealism (incorporating a hand as a focal point in a landscape).
Advanced Art – Drawing & Painting
Grades 11-12 Credit: 1
This course explores more advanced techniques of various artists such as O’Keeffe, Warhol, Seurat and Van Gogh. Each student will work with a variety of materials. Projects included in this course: Continuous Line Contour Watercolor/ Ink Landscape, Acrylic Nature Painting in the Style of Georgia O’Keeffe , Photo Negative Painting in the style of Andy Warhol, George Seurat Pointillism Drawing with markers, Pen and Ink in the Style of Vincent Van Gogh, Scratch Board Drawing using textures, Monochromatic Painting, Neo Pop Realism Pen and Ink Faces, Colored Pencil Abstract Architectural Design, Pastel Still Life, Pop Art Collage, Cut Paper Masterpiece, and Painting in the style of the Surrealists.
Art II & Sculpture
Grades 11-12 Credit: 1
This course explores the various forms and techniques of sculpture. Students work in the styles of several 20th century sculptors including Louise Nevelson and Henry Moore. Students also look at the works of various cultures, both ancient and present day. Projects for this course include: Found Object Art (Louise Nevelson), Contour Cardboard Reliefs, Ceremonial Masks, Carved Styrofoam Reliefs, Plaster Casting of a Famous Painting (recreated as a clay relief), 3D Box Sculptures, Figure Sculptures (looking at works by Henry Moore), 3D Creature Sculptures, Alexander Calder Free-Standing Design and Pop Art Sculpture.
Digital Photography: The Image in the Modern World
Grades 10-12 Credit: 1
At the conclusion of this course students will be able to accurately expose, compose, upload and edit digital images created using a Canon T3i or higher; safely maintain a DSLR camera; correctly use shallow or deep depths of field by accurately adjusting aperture to create different photographic styles; correctly use Adobe Lightroom to edit images; and, use Adobe Photoshop to create collages, business cards and other creative media.