GENE’S STORY – In the summer of 1954, my parents and I visited Christian Brothers Academy. As I was from Schenectady, I knew little of the school or its history. However, by the time we left the school that day, I was enrolled as an incoming student for the fall semester. From Plebe Week to Graduation, I was afforded both spiritual guidance and a well-rounded education in the Lasallian tradition. That education laid the groundwork for me to move forward, confident and proud, trusting in God.
Continuing my education at Siena College led me to a career in insurance, both in the company ranks and as an independent insurance agency owner. Being community minded and sharing my time and talents to help others, I was a fireman and EMT in a volunteer company retiring in 2004.
Realizing what a privilege it was to attend CBA, I feel young men living in this area should be given the opportunity to share what I experienced through my financial support, now and beyond.
LYNN’S STORY – Thirty-five years ago, I sat in Bleecker Stadium on a cold night. I watched the game but I
was more intrigued with the fans and the family-like atmosphere they exhibited. Like my new husband, many were CBA alumni. They became one voice that night. All united, no matter their age, in a tradition of support to their school team and each proud to be a part of a whole that encompassed the prestigious Catholic school. I then realized that this was just routine for the Brothers Boys; just another game; just another chance to come together as one very special group. I felt that night that I was about to become a part of something very special, too!
My husband, Gene, and I have been fortunate to attend many functions and each event proved to me that the administration and staff continues to take great pride in giving an amazing education to each and every student. I have been a teacher for 33 years and I am amazed at how much maturity the young students possess. They all seem to have a much better sense of their self-worth than most young men of the same age.
Over the years, I have watched Gene and his friends/ classmates raise money to support CBA in any way they could. There is such a true commitment to CBA with an overwhelming sense of community and of family. I have become part of that wonderful family. It is with a deep sense of gratitude and purpose that I now serve on the Board of Trustees for CBA. A while ago, Gene and I felt the need to make CBA part of our legacy to help CBA continue in the tradition of a true Catholic education for the young men of our area.