Art I
Grades 9-12 Credit: 1 This course is designed to fulfill the New York State Regents requirement for graduation. The emphasis is on the principles of art and developing the student’s knowledge of art and the historical function of art, as well as their ability to master skills and techniques through art materials. Projects for this course include: Continuous Line Contour of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle (enlargement and abstraction of a detail showing highlights and shadows), Still Life Pencil Sketch (using gray value scale), Album Cover Design (looking at how art has influenced album and CD design through the history of the industry) Shattered Value Drawing(abstracting with the Gray Value Scale) One Point Perspective in the style of Georgio De Chirico Wrapped Snarling Animals (contours and intro to colors) Medieval and Illuminated Letters, Cubist Painting (using the Art room and school building for sources of inspiration) Handscapes (creating landscapes with hands as the subject) Fracture Planes (learning about Picasso, Gris and Braque)